Contents for SMQ Issue 12:3

Promotion Timing in Major League Baseball and the Stacking
Authors: Thomas C. Boyd, Timothy C. Krehbiel, Richard T. Farmer
Abstract: In light of the increased reliance on promotions to

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Gender Representations Related to Sport Celebrity Portrayals in the Milk Mustache Advertising Campaign
Authors: Jacquelyn Cuneen, Nancy Spencer
Abstract: Description: In an attempt to boost sales and persuade consumers that their product had numerous health benefits, milk producers staged the famous

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Cause-Related Sport Sponsorship: An Assessment of Spectator Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behavioral Intentions
Authors: Richard L. Irwin, Tony Lachowetz, Bettina Cornwell
Abstract: Marketing communications utilizing a non-profit cause (i.e., the sponsorship of a non-profit cause) have emerged as a mainstream practice as practitioners respond to rising consumer expectations of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The increasing popularity of cause-related marketing programs (CRMPs) can be attributed to the integration of sponsorship in many organizations’ sport marketing strategy. The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes, beliefs, and purchase intentions of consumers exposed to a firm’s sponsorship of a sporting event associated with a non-profit organization. A survey instrument was developed by a panel of experts, pre-tested, revised, and completed by 442 event spectators. Results suggested consumers’ attitudes, beliefs, and purchase intentions toward the sponsoring company were positively impacted based on the firm’s involvement with cause-related marketing.

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Consumer Attitudes Toward Cause-Related Marketing Activities in Professional Sports
Authors: Donald P. Roy, Timothy R. Graeff
Abstract: Expenditures on cause-related marketing (CRM) have grown dramatically in the past decade. Consumers tend to have favorable attitudes toward businesses that support charities or causes. In professional sports, CRM is being employed by many leagues and teams as a way

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Motivations of College Student Game Attendance and Word-of- Mouth
Authors: Scott R. Swanson, Kevin Gwinner
Abstract: This research explores the impact of four individual psychological motivations (i.e., team identification, eustress, group affiliation, and self-esteem enhancement) on college student’s reported verbal recommendations and patronage behaviors toward a sporting event.

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